TNB is buying billion ringgit worth of power behind a closed door. The unions are concerned over the award of the power plants conducted on direct negotiation basis. The speculation that the Energy Commission is going to award the new power plant contract with the capacity of 1,400MW to a company without any tender process.
The unions concern are dual folded, the higher cost can be passed down to the consumers, and even if the it is not passed to consumers, TNB may end up paying and that will affect the staff. The earlier complains were, the cost of buying the power from the IPP is higher than what TNB charges to the consumers.
The unions concern are dual folded, the higher cost can be passed down to the consumers, and even if the it is not passed to consumers, TNB may end up paying and that will affect the staff. The earlier complains were, the cost of buying the power from the IPP is higher than what TNB charges to the consumers.
the star 28 May 2014 |