Thursday, March 24, 2011

KL to be top 50 livable city

The star newspaper carried the news:

Thursday March 24, 2011. Nong Chik hopes to put KL in top 50 ...Nong Chik Datuk Raja Zainal Abidin a new vision — to see it in the top 20 by the year 2020. ...

Currently Kuala lumpur is ranked 79 out of 130 listed livable worlds city. The ranking had made the Federal Territories minister came out with a new vision to position Kuala Lumpur in the top 20 by the year 2020.

I find the trend of wanting to gain acceptance and recognition by an external party is widespread in Malaysian Leaders. We would come across desires such as, building the tallest skyscraper, the longest bridge and even the tallest flag towers. I had been living overseas and views their newspaper, but the westerners do not have this strange desire. They are confident of themselves even without external recognition.

I would have though the measures success can be the target. Take for example, public transport, if the measure of bus per thousand population, a thinking leaders may want to achieve the number equating to the developed nations.

Raja Nong said, with the GTP the greater KL will be transformed to vibrant city and economic hubs with:
a. quality infrastructure
b. green spaces
c. comprehensive transportation
d. Wifi Availability

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